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Acupuncture is a therapy in which sterilized, thin, stainless steel filiform needles are inserted into specific points or locations on the body’s surface to treat or prevent illness. Acupuncture, one of the oldest and most widely used medical therapies in the world, has lately risen to the top of the list of complementary and alternative medicine’s fastest expanding fields in the USA. The needle tip often only penetrates the body’s surface tissue. Various effects of acupuncture, whether instant or long term, are mainly realized through the stimulation of nerve endings and related neural reflexes without injection of any medication. A Chinese medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has developed over thousands of years of observation and research. The five elements, Yin-Yang, Zang-Fu, Qi-Blood-Body fluids, and the meridian system are among its fundamental theories. According to TCM, good health is a question of balance, particularly the Yin-Yang equilibrium. A vital energy or life force known as Qi, which travels through pathways known as meridians between the organs, regulates this equilibrium. One of the primary causes of sickness, which manifests as a variety of symptoms like pain, paralysis, internal organ dysfunction, or mental abnormalities, is obstruction of the normal Qi flow. The acupuncturist may utilize any or all of TCM therapies following a diagnostic technique, such as tongue and pulse diagnostics, to relieve those symptoms by restoring the normal Qi flow.